EO Blog

Wind Power Siting and Communities: How to avoid a Standing Rock situation

EO's CEO, Soledad Mills' article, 'Wind Power Siting and Communities: How to avoid a Standing Rock situation', published in the January/February edition of North American Clean Energy magazine, explains how clean energy companies can take steps to ensure they obtain and maintain a social license to operate through effective community engagement and consultation based on international standards.

EO Partners with the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment

We are pleased to announce today that we have established a partnership with the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment at the University of Colorado Law School in Boulder. The partnership will help us expand our work in the U.S. and enhance our programs with the renowned scholarship and advocacy of the Center and the Law School.

Getting Back to Our Roots: EO’s David Poritz and Paul Sorensen Visit Ecuador

EO’s Co-Founder and President, David Poritz, and founding Board member, Paul Sorensen visited Ecuador last month and met with fellow Board member, Juan Carlos Jintiach, a member of the Shuar and representative of Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon region and his colleague, Enrique Salazar; EO Co-Founder, Manuel Pallares and his wife, Cristina Latorre; and former Secretary General of OPEC and member of EO’s Advisory Council, Rene Ortiz.

Equitable Origin Awarded Grant by the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation to Advance Clean Energy Development

Equitable Origin (EO) was awarded a grant by the Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation to support the first phase of a project to study the social and environmental impacts of clean energy infrastructure and consider the viability of applying independent, stakeholder-based standards to improve practices and local community perceptions of development projects.

In Memory – Dr. Pamela Hartigan

We were shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the tragic and untimely passing of Dr. Pamela Hartigan, Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, on August 12, 2016. Pamela was a friend and close mentor of mine whom I met while I was an undergraduate at Brown University.

How can we promote responsible energy development? We need your input!

How can we ensure that energy development works for the people and the planet? How can we improve outcomes for local communities and ensure they can share the benefits of development? How can we ensure development activities minimize negative impacts on the environment? We need your feedback on the EO100™ Standard for Responsible Energy Development so that it reflects current industry best practices and stakeholder expectations on social, environmental, and ethical performance of energy projects.

EO Greets the Wind Industry at AWEA

EO made its renewable energy debut this spring at the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) conference. The annual event, held May 23 - 26 this year in New Orleans, provides an opportunity for wind project developers, financiers, service providers, and advocates to meet, discuss the state of the wind power market, and address challenges confronting the industry.