EO Blog

EO travels to Belize to meet with Maya leaders

On the 22 and 23 of August, Equitable Origin President David Poritz and VP of Standards and Stakeholder Engagement Soledad Mills traveled to Belize with James Anaya, former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to meet with the Maya Leaders Alliance and the Toledo Alcaldes Association.

EO’s Director of Socio-Environmental Affairs Meets with Amazon Indigenous Peoples’ Group on Strategies for Responsible Oil Development

Equitable Origin's Sebastián Pérez presents the EO system to representatives of OPIAC

Equitable Origin’s Pablo Yépez and Sebastián Pérez met with representatives from OPIAC, the Organization of the Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon, in August 2014 to discuss the working relationship between the two organizations, share news and success stories, and to plan next steps in advancing mutual goals.

Oil & Water screens at Rhode Island International Film Festival

An enthusiastic audience collected in Providence, RI at 2:30pm on August 7, 2014 to watch the screening of Oil & Water at the Rhode Island International Film Festival.

EO’s President and Co-Founder David Poritz participated in a Q&A session after the film with director Laurel Spellman Smith, answering questions that ranged from updates on the progress of Equitable Origin and the Cofan Survival Fund, to the best ways of changing oil companies’ practices.

Indigenous Community Workshop: Applying the EO100™ Standard in Orito, Colombia

On April 9th and 10th of 2014, in the Colombian municipality of Orito, Putumayo, with the participation of representatives from chapters and councils of the Indigenous Zone Organization of Putumayo (OZIP), Equitable Origin inaugurated the Awareness and Empowerment Workshop for the use and application of the EO100™ Standard as a useful tool for indigenous organizations in managing hydro-carbon activities within their territories.

Meeting Colombia’s Mayors

On May 21, 2014, Fernando Benalcazar, EO’s VP of Global Implementation and VP Latin America, gave a presentation to mayors of the Colombian municipalities most affected by oil and gas exploration and production. He was invited to give this presentation by Dr. Gilberto Toro, Executive Director of the Colombian Federation of Municipalities.

Building trust: Social license to operate in the oil and gas industry

Jhon Wajai, representative of COICA, sits down with Soledad Mills, our VP of Stakeholder Engagement, at the SPE conference.

The oil and gas industry faces a serious deficit of public trust. A recent study by the Reputation Institute asked 55,000 consumers to rank the world’s 100 most reputable companies among multinational businesses with a global presence; not a single oil or gas company made the list.

Equitable Origin Forms Partnership with Colombia’s Country Brand to Bring Social and Environmental Standards to the South American nation’s Oil and Gas Industry


Amy Blumenthal
Blumenthal & Associates
[email protected]

New York, NY/Bogota, Colombia, August 26, 2013 – Equitable Origin (EO), the first stakeholder-based, independent social and environmental certification for the oil and gas industry, has formed a landmark partnership with Colombia’s Country Brand, to promote certification of Colombia’s oil and gas production under the EO100™ Standard.