EO Blog

Watch “Oil and Water” for Free Online Until October 22

The documentary film "Oil and Water" tells the fascinating story of Equitable Origin's evolution out of company co-founder and President David Poritz's experiences with oil development in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

You can now watch the film online for free util October 22nd! Click here to watch the film on the PBS Global Voices website.

“Oil and Water” TV Premiere Sunday Sep. 21

Remember to set your DVR because "Oil and Water" premieres on the PBS World Channel on Sunday September 21st at 10 pm (click the link to find your local World Channel station and airtime).

The documentary film chronicles EO founder and President David Poritz's experiences with irresponsible oil development in the Ecuadorian Amazon that led him to create the world's first independent certification system for the oil and gas industry.

Report on the World’s First Certified-Responsible Oil Development Site

Earlier this week, Equitable Origin issued the world's first certification for socially and environmentally responsible practices by an oil production operation. The certified site, located in Colombia and operated by Pacific Rubiales Energy, achieved certification by demonstrating adherence to the EO100™ Standard for best industry practices across several categories, like Fair Labor and Working Conditions and Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment.

Certified Responsible Oil Production: From Crazy Idea to Reality

It only took a few visits to the oil-producing region of the Ecuadorian Amazon before I realized that I wanted to do something drastic to help improve the lives of the people there. I was only 15 at the time, but it was painfully obvious that what these communities needed in order to achieve a better way of life was a new approach to oil development--the root of so many of their social, environmental, and public health problems.

What is #ResponsibleOil?

As with wood products, diamonds, and coffee, there are responsible and irresponsible ways to explore for and produce oil and natural gas. Responsible oil is produced using practices that respect the rights and wishes of local communities, provide an equitable share of the economic benefits with those communities, and minimize environmental impacts.